
JoAnn Reeves
In Memory of
Reeves (Hodge)
1940 -

Such a big part of my childhood

A huge part of my childhood memories involve Jack and Joann. Just a few days ago I heard Ring of Fire on the radio, and it took me back to JoAnn's bedroom in her house. I can clearly see the stacks of fabric, her at her sewing machine, and Johnny Cash on the turntable. She was one of the best cooks I have ever known; her taquitos will forever be my favorite, but she never cooked a bad meal that I know of. She is the one who taught me how to make tacos, and they're my boys favorite meal to this day. She would even make us tacos over a camp stove after a day of skiing at the lake! And she would stand over that fire making them forever, because we were so hungry we could eat tons. She was my younger brother and sister's second Mom, and she loved them like her own. We were so lucky to have her in our lives. I will treasure my memories of her forever.
Posted by Mitzi (Robertson) Branscum
Friday November 10, 2017 at 10:35 pm
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